A new study discover that giving supplement of vitamin D to children can help protected them from diabetes type 1 when adult. "This only other reasons..."
"This only reasons why giving supplement of vitamin D is very suggested," says Dr Christos S Zipitis to" Reuters Health".
Vitamin D produced by skin/husk with help of sun's rays. Lacking of this vitamin will make someone have health trouble. Because mother's breast milk only containing a few of vitamin D, therefore " The American Academy of Pediatrics" recommending giving of this vitamin supplement to baby.
Even authoritative source of health in England also obliged every child get this vitamin supplement at least two year of their first age.
In this study, researcher conduct and do review to all research result which related to vitamin D supplement and diabetic risk. As a whole, they discover that baby who getting supplement of vitamin D have risk of 29 % less more compared to those who not get the supplement.
But, Zipitis and Akobeng express that to know the optimal formula and dosages of vitamin D supplement is still needed a clinical test adequate. This test also to determine when and how long a child have to give this vitamin supplement.
Zipitis suggesting parent to be active to ask their child doctor to be giving recipe of vitamin D supplement for their childrens.


  1. Bevan says

    Wow! Excellent information. Mother's milk is always good for health. That is why children are fed with mother's milk when born for the future health purpose. It is obviously a good news that mother's milk is a good for diabetes & also a good nutritional vitamin supplement.